Kungsgatan 14
10600 Ekenäs/Tammisaari



About AtlasPROfilax

Atlas, the First Cervical Vertebra

The atlas vertebra was named after the greek titan who was punished by Zeus to carry the wold and heavens on his shoulders for an eternity.

Many years of clinical research have shown that the first cervical vertebra, atlas, is more or less malrotated form birth, in almost all humans. Trauma such a whiplash, slips and falls, or any sports injuries can push the atlas vertebra in an even worth position, and therefore be the cause of many health problems.

The atlas not only carries the skull, but also is responsible for the suspension, equilibrium and management for the spine and skeleton. When the atlas is misaligned it causes the head to tilt, and the spine compensates the malrotation of the atlas with a rotation down to the sacroiliac joint, trying to maintain the center of gravity. This will cause neck pain and lower back pain, and impacts the entire spine.

At the atlas vertebra cerebral nerves, arteries, veins, spinal cord and spinal fluid pass through the opening at the base of the skull.

A misalignment of the atlas leads to continuos pressure on the spinal cord, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic channels causing serious physical and mental problems, including significant adverse changes in posture. The spine compensates the malrotation of the atlas with a rotation down to the sacroiliac joint, causing lower back and/or leg pain. The malrotation of the atlas could also have a negative impact on muscles, joints,  eyes, ears, jaw, nerves, circulatory system, organs of equilibrium and interior organs.

An atlas in its correct position optimizes circulation and shifts the center of gravity, thus reducing, or eliminating headaches, migraines, vertigo, neck stiffness, back pain and many other health problems.

The malrotation of the atlas vertebra can be accurately and safely corrected by the unique AtlasPROfilax® method with only one application.

The Atlas vertebrae in the neck.